e are pleased to present this series of edifying tales featuring
great Americans, in the sincere hope that, by studying representative
episodes from profound lives, readers may glean moral guidance
and aspire to greatness themselves.
Profile the First - Abraham Lincoln
A bookish youth, Lincoln was known both for his love of reading
and for his unfailing honesty. Late one stormy night, he walked
twenty miles to return a single book to his neighbor. Upon arrival
he discovered that it was a library book.
While practicing law in Illinois, Lincoln was known to keep
late hours. Often he would relieve his stress by playing the
mandolin. "Damn that Lincoln and his mandolin!" his neighbors
were fond of saying. One evening, his downstairs neighbor, Fredrick
Douglass, called the police. When the constables arrived, the
great orator addressed them, saying, "You can fool all of the
people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time,
but you can't fool all of the people all of the time," whereupon
the police took Lincoln's mandolin and smashed it.
A reporter once asked President Lincoln a very famous question,
to which he replied, "A man's legs should be long enough to reach
the ground." It was then that Mr. Lincoln was informed that the
question had been about the budget.
A young girl once wrote the president, saying that he would
look more handsome with a beard. Lincoln was so charmed by this
message that he wrote back, urging her to send more letters.
Then he steamed off the stamp. It was in this way that he was
able to save the Union the cost of postage through the Civil
War. The resultant savings are credited with turning the tide
against the South. The young girl died penniless.
During a train journey, en route to speak at Gettysburg, President
Lincoln scrawled a few notes on the back of an envelope. The
notes were about a young lady and her poodle, 'Freeshow,' and
resulted in one of the world's most enduring dirty jokes-a joke
that is told to this day.
Nickname Fun Corner:
Lincoln was called Honest Abe because he never bluffed at poker.
President Lincoln was known as 'The Great Emancipator,' due
to his strange habit of emancipating in public.
'Winkin' Lincoln' was not one of the president's nicknames.