Glossary of Terms
Mr. Bedbed: bed
Sprinkle dinkle: shower
Dental doosey: brush teeth
AM chow: breakfast
Bushette: Laura Bush, the First Lady
Heart-No-Good: Dick Cheney, the Vice President
Fudgie the Budget: the budget
Salt N Peppa: Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell
Round Room: Oval Office
Head Honcho of Jew Land: Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel
The Evil Ones: the press
Mr. Make 'Em Up: presidential speech writer
The House: International House of Pancakes
Open and close mouth while making sounds: give speech
Raxruts: tax cuts
Whoooooosh Zoooooom!: Airforce One
Lucky Land: Florida
Disneyland Bush: Jeb Bush, George W.s brother
Tasty Morsels: dinner
Mr. Puke on Japan Man: George Bush, Sr., former President
Angarangagoogoopie: hotel
Yippee Time: Make love to First Lady
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