Trumpet Fiction is ducts'
live reading series in New York City hosted by
our editor, Jonathan Kravetz.
May 8th, 6:45 p.m. Humor
The place:
KGB Bar, 2nd floor
85 E. 4th Street
between 2nd Avenue and the Bowery
The readers are: Dan McCoy
is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Jest Magazine
and Modern Humorist and whose sketches have been heard on the
NPR programs Rewind and Morning Edition. Recently, he was named
humor editor of the online magazine Ducts. He can also be seen
around New York performing as part of the improv troupe Robotski.
He lives in Brooklyn.
Ritch Duncan
Ritch Duncan is writer, comedian and
the editor-in-chief of the Brooklyn based humor magazine, Jest.
He has performed standup all over the country and written comedy
for a bunch of different television shows, which is sort of cool,
if that's the kind of thing that impresses you. Despite these lofty
sucesses, he still has never: a) owned a car b) purchased a new
couch or c) been to Los Angeles. He would like to do all three
of these things, although not necessarily in that order.
J.B. Miller
J .B. Miller
was born in Massachusetts but mostly grew up in London where he
learned English and attended a number of strict prep schools that
required uniforms and the best behavior. But he recovered and returned
to the U.S. where he went to high school a bit (in Massachusetts
again) and attended college (NYU - not that it makes much of a
difference). He refused to go to graduate school. He did some freelance
writing for The New York Times and and is the only author
of the novel My Life in Action Painting (Grove Press) and the humor
collection The Satanic Nurses and Other Literary Parodies (St.
Martin's Press), plus a number of plays produced skittishly on
the New York stage, including "Bobby Supreme," "White
Lies," and "Shirkers."
June 12th, 6:45 p.m.
The place:
KGB Bar, 2nd floor
85 E. 4th Street
between 2nd Avenue and the Bowery
The readers are: Hermine Meinhard
Meinhard's first book, Bright Turquoise Umbrella , is just out
from Tupelo Press. The winner of the Sue Saniel Elkind Poetry
Award, her work has appeared in Barrow Street , Luna, How2 , la
petite zine , Willow Springs , The Prose Poem and other journals.
She is poetry editor of 3 rd bed and teaches at New York University
and the New York Writers Workshop at the Jewish Community Center
Dom Angiello, one of four brothers, was
born in the Bronx, New York of first generation Italian-American
parents. He holds a Ph.D. (in medieval English literature) from
Fordham and is Professor of English at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry,
where he recently conducted a workshop in memoir writing. His first
career was in office machines sales and service. Later, he started
a residential construction and remodeling firm, which two of his
sons still operate.
Dom studied memoir and fiction writing
at Sarah Lawrence College, the Truro Center for the Arts and the
Hudson Valley Writer's Center. Several of his essays, including "The
Store," have
appeared in Ducts ,
and he read his story "The Parking Lot Troll" last spring in the Trumpet
Fiction series. Other work is expected to appear in Bibliophile and Italian
Ellen Schecter has published
24 books for children and their teachers and parents. Her picture
books often highlight brave girls from a variety of cultures,
offering fresh new role models for both boys and girls. She also
has written/or created multi-award-winning television and video
for children and families on CBS, PBS, CBC, Nickelodeon, Disney,
and the Discovery Channel. Her credits include many episodes for
the Emmy Award-winning Reading Rainbow series, as well as the proposals
and pilot scripts for The Magic Schoolbus, Allegra's Window on
Nick, Jr. and Ramona, based on the popular books by Beverly Cleary,
for the CBC and PBS. Her Family Haggadah was a Book of the Month
and Jewish Book Club selection. Her articles and reviews have appeared
in The New York Times Book Review, Christian Science Monitor, Shema,
and Journey, the Jewish feminist journal of Ma'Yan. Her articles
on Healing have appeared in The Outstretched Arm, Guide Me Along
the Way, and other publications of the National Center for Jewish
Healing. Her work appears on the web on, and praxis post;
a webzine of medicine and culture. She is a member of the Writer's
Guild, ASCAP, The Society for Children's Book Writers, and PEN.
She is featured in Who's Who Among American Women, Who's Who In
Entertainment, and Something About The Author.
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