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Check out this duct for invented stories, fantasies and dreams about love, death and living. They all illuminate truth.

The Possibility of Being Who You Are

Brandon Cole

We are proud to present chapters 19 through 26 of Brandon's novel, The Difficult Ones. We will continue to serialize his book in future issues. See our prior issue for the first 18 chapters.

The Gossamer Year

Emma Sweeney

This is an excerpt from Emma Sweeney's novel-in-progress, The Gossamer Year. The novel, which follows a darkly erotic relationship between a talented British illustrator and her elderly Japanese mentor, explores how one event can rupture many lives.


Derek Alger

Simple Words

Support Can Be Beautiful

Derek Alger

Tragedy and the absurd

Holes Cast No Shadows

Andrew Garvey

Holes Cast No Shadows is a novel that chronicles one man's ten-year struggle against the nature surrounding him. This is an excerpt.

The Village Ghost

Jane Camens

Caught in a fire

The Models

Robert Jeske

Excerpt from 'The Models' from The Seurat Stories.

In the years immediately following the collapse of the Cultural Revolution, two English teachers – apparent strangers – meet in the dining room of a river boat scheduled to take them through the Yangtse Gorges.


Patricia O'Hara

Regret, longing and a pedicure

The Rescue

Elizabeth K. Rosen

In a moment of peril for her son, a mother weighs the balance of regret and achievement in her own life.