In A World . . . Where Donald Trump Is President
A new short play by Lisa L. Kirchner premiers at the Midtown International Festival in NYC

Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016 at 9 pm
Sunday, Oct. 30, 2016 at 2 pm
Directed by Charles Sanchez, this piece takes place in an internment camp along the TexMex border, where the so-called Volunteers have just learned the promise of citizenship has been denied. Tickets and more information at
About the Author
Lisa, is a former Ducts memoirs editor and the producer and host of New York’s only reading and improv series, The Next Chapter. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post,, BUST Magazine, The New York Post, Budget Travel, Kirkus Reviews and Huffington Post, among numerous others. Before moving to the Persian Gulf, she was the religion editor for Pittsburgh’s gay and lesbian newspaper, the bridal editor for its society rag, and an alt newsweekly dating columnist. Her flash essay, “My Husband: My Moto,” appeared in the compilation Learning to Love You More (Prestel Publishing, 2007). Her solo show, CRANKY WHITE GIRL IN QATAR, is the basis for her memoir, Hello American Lady Creature. She currently lives in New York City. More at