You plant a question

so full of perforations

light pours through

Breaking the actual

with the actualized

Beneathe the “I”

is a passage

Who you are and why you are here

collectively answers

Answer, meaning to embark

Unknown to one alone


This is the dream of persuasives

Given to disclose what is lost in forgetting

Why return is all meaning of pleasure

As if walking about navigating a city

not knowing who one is or where one resides

Misplaced in form between bodies

in material thought — and yet

This is the dream of persuasives

Given to disclose what is lost in forgetting

Why return is all meaning of pleasure


How to be truthful to one’s woods

or were they—

Never have seen

such a text

Sudden eruption

scribes of erudite biddings

ask, to whom shall I send my — ?


And then there is the time taken to read you

That a book is a lisp and a fall

You may look under skin only

entailing indelible

if the conversation is inverse


Thoughts real and unreal

When the real is cumbersome

I beg the light extinguished

Behind whose eyes do I see

Such figures lighting candles?

Author’s Note: Parkour ,or l’art du déplacement (the art of displacement) is an activity with the aim of moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as possible. It assists in overcoming obstacles and experiencing freedom. There is no list of “appropriate moves” and it is not a sport but a mental and physical discipline. As a method of ambulation parkour makes an apt metaphor for spiritual practice. Psalms are commonly associated with “praise.” However the book of psalms contains a great range in tone, content, form and manner of address- leaping as would a traceur. Lost Parkour Ps(alms) explores the question, what is the ps(alm) now, as a poetic form?